

"The Short Roll", Series No. 1 | Red Hawk Ranch

Red Hawk Ranch is located in McEwen, Tennessee and is owned and operated by Bruce and Roxanne Mayfield. Only months ago, they decided to pick up everything and move from the hot dusty desert of eastern New Mexico, all the way across the country to the green rolling hills of middle Tennessee. These images detail the regular process of branding, tagging and vaccinating their cattle in order to identify them and keep them healthy. The Mayfield's have already started selling beef to Nashville area restaurants and they hope to continue to grow their business as they connect and get more familiar with their new home.   

| The Short Roll |

I am excited to be starting a new photo essay series called, "The Short Roll". The basis of this series is to intentionally restrict myself to a very limited amount of film.  Allowing myself to shoot only one or two rolls (12 or 24 exposures), I am forced to slow down and think through each shot taken in order to adequately tell the story. Oftentimes making the decision to not press the shutter can be very empowering. Making a choice to pursue quality over quantity and trusting the process is a refreshing exercise that I hope will continue to push me and encourage me to always keep it simple.

More to come soon. I hope you enjoy!


Ashley + Chris

Ashley & Chris' wedding day was undoubtedly authentic. With every detail holding significance in their story, friends and family were immersed into the true love that they found in one another. Each guest, including myself, walked away at the end of the night knowing that something truly unique and special had just taken place.

One significant event from the day was the surprise flyover that kicked off the reception. The T6 Warbird flyover commemorated Ashley's parents, Evan and Peggy Zeiger, who died while flying together off the coast of Florida in March of 2010. Ashley felt it necessary to acknowledge her parents and show how much she missed their presence on that day. Billy Strickland, the pilot in the images below, was Dr. Zeiger's best friend and wingman. 

Finally, my good friend and talented videographer Eric Staples documented the day using his Super 8 camera and could not have produced a more beautiful video detailing the events and emotions that took place. Check it out below… 

Chris + Ashley // Super 8 Wedding from Eric Staples on Vimeo.

Check out Chris and Ashley's engagement session HERE